Page name: Apply to the crew [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-03-07 17:10:25
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In Elfpack, everyone can do something. You can create wiki-pages that explain how to draw dragons or explain the physics behind why they can fly. Everyone can report members that don't follow the Elfpack Rules.

But some people want to have an official title. The problem is of course that we can't have 4711 Wardens here, and even a large amount of Guards and crew people would mean that it would be too big to actually do something.

But here is your chance to get the power, badges and all other fancy stuff that really shouldn't be the reason for why you apply to the crew!


What you need to do

1) You need a good general knowledge of Elfpack. If you can't handle everything about forums, polls, wiki-pages and don't know the Elfpack rules very well, then don't apply yet.
This means you need to know the workings, and prove that you can.
- If you don't know at least most of the pseudo HTML, don't apply.
- If you don't know how to use the forums, don't apply.
- If you're not planning on using the forums, don't apply.
- If you're not sure of the rules, don't apply.

2) You need to be able to read and write English well.
- Plz dun typ lyke dis
- We don't require perfect English, but you have to at least be able to make legible English that others can easily understand.

3) Your goals should agree with Elfpack's. If you want to go berserk on everyone who looks ugly, then don't apply!
- Crew members have to be at least somewhat nice and professional.
- Crew members need to be able to keep a cool control over their emotions and thoughts.
- Crew members should be able to make unbiased decisions without putting their friends' first in every situation.

4) You should have proven yourself. As written above, you don't need any permission to do most stuff here on Elfpack. Even if you only have created the Best Fake Cybering Competition, are running the forum "Lesbian hairdressers" that no one uses and have written a pretty bad report, it's better than someone who just says they can do all this, but never has.
- Write in forums! Use them, if only to comment on Mainstuff news and say hello.
- Enter contests, official or non-official.
- Be nice and helpful to other members; answer questions they may ask on wiki-pages.
- Create wiki-pages, with HTML and good design.

5) You should explain what you will do as a member of the crew and for how long. Note: We don't want newbies that get all excited by Elfpack for a month and then will get tired of it. Therefore, people who have been for a long time, are generally better.
- We want to know what you can bring to the Elfpack Crew that we don't have currently.
- We want to know what you're good at, your talents, and what you think you'd be best at.
- We want to know what official jobs you think we should give you.
- Do NOT try to apply to be one of the following: Guards, Custodians, Warden, Deputy Warden or Ambassadore Exilios!

6) You should be able to get along with the crazy people in the crew, and have a great patience with people.
- [Stephen] doesn't really like suck ups.
- No one likes assholes, narcissists or intolerable people.
- Patience is a virtue that you must possess.

7) You should think this is fun!

8) If you can come up with an eighth point, it shows that you have ideas. We have ideas and a lot of them, the problem is finding hard-working people who will take an idea and make it fun for Elfpack members.
- Ideas are good!
- However, people who can take an idea and put it on a page are even better.
- Go check out the Contractors Office.



No, there is no deadline. This goes on forever and good applications get picked at any time we need help. If you don't get picked, that can be either because we're not so sure about you, or we don't need more help at the moment.

But: We will not answer questions about what's wrong with you or your application! If we have something to say, then you'll hear from us.


Accepted Applications

These people were recently accepted for the positions they applied for. You can use these for inspiration for your own application, or even try to do better.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> madness? this is wolvie!!!! for crew - [wolvie]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Flisky's Application - [Flisky
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Cloud for Council - [Cloud Natiion]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Kally for Crew! - [Raiyr]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> sammie h! for crew - [sammie h!]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> Deggles for Crew - [Deg]
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> sammie h! for council - [sammie h!]


Where to apply?

Right here!
Write the link to your campaign-wiki-page and username below:

I Believe in Harvey Dent! - [idunnosomething]


Go or return to:
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Council
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Hell of the Insane
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Wiki-Index
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Help-Index

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-05-06 [Wendy]: "Look at our bulges."

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: YUMMY hot sauce ^_^ who likes hot suace

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: [kittykittykitty]: Did you see the SouthPark spoof of Family Guy (can be found with Limewire or whatever)

2006-05-07 [kittykittykitty]: No I haven't... (free-to-view TV offers very few shows like south park) I didn't know they made one *looks for it to download*

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: haha, I think it is called "family guy is the worst show ever" or something like that, or maybe it was also called "cartoon wars" part one or two (or something ...)

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: It was so weird! I saw it.

2006-05-07 [CRIP 4 LIFE]:

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: "when one doesn't know what to say, it is a time to be silent ..."

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: hey ppls i was wondering i just updated my new formated application can [zoloftzantac] and [Sunrose] plz find time to look at it.. allso anyone who thanks its good plz leave your name at the bottom of it thank you ^_^

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: I'm flattered that you would care what I think about it, I'll look at it, but you do know it's not up to me at all, right?

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: ok cool but it would be great support if you signed it with your approval ^_^

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: Okay, I'll take a look at it, I think it rocks that you want to help ^_^

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: yea i wanna do my best man i realy do ^_^

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: Try learning how to use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar. It's a sign of intelligence.

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: i try i realy, its just i hate being so bad at my own lingo wiv spelling HEHE its embarrasing to think about me not knowing eglish so well.*_*

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: One of my biggest pet peeves is bad spelling, punctuation, and grammar. I don't know why...

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: It's a sign of intelligence. I disagree, it's only a sign of caring about spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: Hmmm...Well, whenever I see someone that has seriously messed up the English language, I tend to assume them as being a little kid. Wouldn't you agree that people that are skilled with words tend to come across as being more intelligent? Hmmm...Good point, Z. I can't do math and people who can aren't necessarily smart.

2006-05-07 [Ihsahn]: Like you just did with seriously?

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: ACK!!!! *fixes it*

2006-05-07 [Ihsahn]: nice one ;)


2006-05-08 [zoloftzantac]: Good point, Z. I can't do math and people who can aren't necessarily smart. / Did I say that? Sorry, but I don't agree with that either :p but then I was a Mathematics Major at University before I studied Engineering.(so math has a special place in my heart) Adding and dividing don't make one smart, but I don't call that Math, I call that arithmatic. Mathematics is a beautiful mind puzzle, and it does take some brains ...

2006-05-08 [zoloftzantac]: I'd say the same of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. They don't make one smart. It is the content of what one says that is a sign of intelligence. (or lack there of) It's strange, if one has poor grammer, or types poorly as I do, it is very clear online and they are often judged for it. On the other hand, one can be a total idiot, but as long as they are very careful to spell things correctly there are many that will think higher of them ...

2006-05-08 [eyes of frost]: Grarg...Maybe I should change my app. to being a guard. Lol. *Thinks*

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: [zoloftzantac] omg thats what i think i am that last discription you said i have teribble spelling and grammer but i am very smart wiv the electronics feild and i can do marvels.. and im one hell of a chess player and mind puzzler i do so many mind games that most of my friends dont even know how to do... like i have memorized fraction codes and random nubers from somthing like this ar2h7r0bwwkdqoymn i have memorized stuff for comps and gaming systems lol i dont know anyone who can do that,,, f you know anyone here who has played the game turak 1 for N 64 and had tried to memorize the code that unlocks everything... i bet not but all i can say is even to this day i still no the code ^_^

2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: You mean Turok? *has never heard of turak* I find games like that are no fun when you have unlocked everything with a cheat... did Turok 1 have jumping in? *growls* Turok 2 is impossible with the whole first-person jumping element... whoever thought that was a good idea should be beaten up, seriously

2006-05-08 [zoloftzantac]: [gods2armys]: heh, you memerized the codes, but you better slow down when you type them or they will never work :p / [kittykittykitty]: I know! It took me forever to get that guy to jump correctly, so stupid ... I liked Tribes a lot tho, it was a 1st person shooter with jumping and jetpacking, but some how it kinda worked ...

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: omg i have played the turok 1 and 2 and three and the raged wars kind lol im one hell of a gameer probably the biggest one in EP and yes i no im being bold about it but im not lieing i have played 100s and owned about a few 100s and one time i love playing games they make me smarter lol thats why im so good and memorizeing things especialy code work// thats why alot of the tasks here in EP i can do realy well cuzzz im a fast learner wat do you think [zoloftzantac] do you agree cuzz you know me betta am i conciderred a quick learner and damn i hate how bad my spelling is *_*

2006-05-08 [zoloftzantac]: a quick learner? I guess so. Oh, would this be a bad time to tease you about your wiki upload troubles? :p

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: ok ok ok i got that part lol i no im very bad at that but hey at least i can get them to work unlike most ppl lol you got to give me that [zoloftzantac] ^_^ ehhhh i feel so dumb anyone ells agree wiv me*_*

2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: [gods2armys]: the biggest gamer on EP? :P I wouldn't try to claim that title so easily if I were you... just about all I do (apart from elfpacking!!) is play video games! heh... but, no good at action games, or first person games, or scary games, or sport games, most games really.... RPGs are my forte ^_^


2006-05-08 [zoloftzantac]: I tried to run a Tribes Clan on some of the gaming ladders for a while, we had to forfeit our last 3 matches because would couldn't field a team ... that was when I found out how many of the 1337 gamers are also dumb asses ... I haven't gamed much since then

2006-05-08 [zoloftzantac]: all caps hurts my eyes v_V


2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: I can't play PC games on here too well... no graphics card. The only game I played on my old PC was Diablo II. [gods2armys]: halo can be fun, but i find it seriously overrated. And I have a major vice with the XBox...

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: WOW!!!!! We should rename this "The Long Posts Wiki". ^__^

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: yea we should and allso i think that we should shoot the crap out of the Xbox i hate that system its gay and i hate halo and allso i think me and you at one time came across each other in a diablo game once cuzz i always played that game online all the time and i loved it ever since hell i still have that game to i wanna play it agin somtime if i get it working again would you wanna play in a game wiv me [kittykittykitty] ^_^

2006-05-08 [eyes of frost]: Wow...I was completely ignored...T_T

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: no you werent we still love you [eyes of frost] ^_^

2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: sorry if your comment was lost Rachel :P Isn't it best to be crew before you apply for guard? So not to rush things? / [gods2armys] I never really played Diablo II online... I don't like online play so much, because some people don't share too well. Buuut I have an amaazing Necro Summoner at my friend's house ^_^ (well not amazing but he's not too bad) He has an army of skeletons to kill things for him! So fun to play... and my clay golem kicks ass :P

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: OMG [kittykittykitty] weed make great friends cuzz i love the necro hes alll i play LOL and i have made a game so big thaqt i had about 50 reg skeletons and 50 magic skeletons all by just getting alot of EXP i have maxed my necro out many times and omg my favorit magic spell is poisson babrs and i have got it so strong that he would launch a barb out of his whole body and it was at lol 99 and omg it would shoot all around me like the spell that releases gasses LOl i WISH ME AND YOU WOULD HAVE PLAYED CUZZ WE WOULD HAVE BENN A SWEET TEAM I THINK ^_^

2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: you got your char to level 99? that takes a long time, I've never done it. But you can never really max them out... it's not humanly possible with the amount of hours you must invest. Well... I think you're exagerating a little :P you can't get 100 skellies just from exp. I don't even know if it's possible with +skills... because that's an awful lot of skeletons you know?

2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: oh, and corpse explosion is way better than poison barbs ;)

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: yea corps explosion i got to level 50 to i had a charm that plussed all my stats to 50 ontop of where their norm were so yes i did to have a 100 skeletons i i have raised all of them twice in one game all that happends is it just lages the screen up way to much and allo i was known in the DIABLO game as the king of all necros in the game zone i was at,, i was the only guy in their thats didnt hack but was the best necromancer^_^ so yes its very possible to to make 100 skeletons and allso i did use a hacked charm but that was just two of them i used but in anycase with out my charms i was til maxxed out cuzz i used thoese levl up charms that i got out of my own game that was offline play

2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: i don't really understand... the most skill points you can invest into a skill in Diablo II (such as corpse explosion) is twenty. Are we still talking about the same game?

2006-05-08 [gods2armys]: yes we are but theirs ways around that wen you use hacked items and i do know DIABLO two lords of destruction the exp version and allso you can play a barbarian and druid, a necro a palidin a sorccorer a amazon and i think more i think ^_^

2006-05-09 [kittykittykitty]: Games like that are sooo boring when they're hacked. I think it really takes the fun out of developing a character, finding the items, etc. You forgot the assasin. I like the assasins on that game (kinky ladies) ^_^

2006-05-09 [gods2armys]: oh yea your right lol i played that game about 6 diferent times^_^ and only two times i was assited with hacked items lol but i realy loved playing the game wiv out hacks i agree wiv you hacks are way to overrated*_*

2006-05-09 [eyes of frost]: Muahaha. Helping is fun. *Dances the Hamster Dance*


2006-05-10 [zoloftzantac]: my eyes are sad from all caps ...

2006-05-10 [gods2armys]: [zoloftzantac] wat is the big deal if i typ in caps for sheesh all it is is letters and numbers... fine ill stop doing the caps to alright you happy now man ill stopp allll my fun and games even know its cooler then most things i do ^_^

2006-05-10 [zoloftzantac]: Think of it as me helping you. The <huge> and all cap postings all over the place is not going to help your app for crew at all ...

2006-05-10 [gods2armys]: oh ok lol i guess your right then very sorry for the stupidness which i have done ok ^_^

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Indeed. It's just annoying. >.<, It hurts my eyes, too. *gives [zoloftzantac] some eyedrops*

2006-05-12 [gods2armys]: [Wendy] and [zoloftzantac] i would like to say that i am one hell of an idiot most times but their are some casses where i am very smart which by now you both have lost about 10 more IQ points having heard me just say that im an idiot>>>>^_^ but in any case i would like to say this am i making any progress with my REP in EP for anything ???? ;) ^_^

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Well, you are definitely heard of. Most of the leet people know your name, I'm sure. Getting your name out there is very important. Also, you look like one of the leet people. You just have that look in your pic.

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: I'd say that you are kinda near leet status. I'd consider myself to be near leet status, too. *high fives you* Stay active here on Elfpack. It'll take you far, buddy!

2006-05-12 [gods2armys]: wait wait wait... you mean im almost concidered LEET and wat the heck is leet status you mean im almost somthing like [zoloftzantac] or no way i dont even have a elfpack badge refering me to any job duties yet and hell i wanna have a job its just im not yet worthy of any possitions,, i was thinking about being on the pet store stalf with [Firenze] she said that would be so nice if i could help her out on that and id like to help out with the guards stalf or EP stalf of anything.. personaly [Wendy] i wanna do and will do anything the EP council gives me...cuzzz [wendy i realy wanna help im on here 24,7 and well im a very useful tool to use ^_^ wat you think ????

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Well, you're leet in the sense that many people know your name. [zoloftzantac] is uber leet. [Sunrose] is the most leet. You, me, [RabidSphinx] are leet in the sense that people know our names.

2006-05-12 [gods2armys]: ok well how do they know that we are of any worth. like i mean as in wat is our rank in here sorta ohyea nd you are forgetting one more person who shares rank wiv us [kittykittykitty] shes in alot of places that i am in and talks alot wiv us.. and one more thing [Wendy] how the heck so are me and you and the others ranks in her we have no proff of identity showoing that we are of stalf related material ????*_* well thats all im saying on that cuzz right now me and you both are not stalf yet and are wanting to be (^_*)

2006-05-12 [kittykittykitty]: haha thanks [gods2armys].... but, I haven't got my application in for the crew yet ^_~ [Wendy]'s right, I'm sure everyone knows your username by now...

2006-05-12 [gods2armys]: LOL i think all three of us should get recomondation cuzz we all three are in the same places lol and we are the talkative of most ppl lol wat do you two say

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Or, we could just make a wiki where only the three of us are allowed to post, but others can read. And then we could have another wiki directing to where people could talk about our convos.

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Ha ha ha ha ha! I laugh at my creative funnynesses!

2006-05-12 [gods2armys]: ok we will do that ill make one LOL just a sec ^_^

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Ha ha ha ha ha! Take my chinchilla quiz, too! It's sooooo freakin' funny! Take This Quiz -

2006-05-12 [kittykittykitty]: awww I got 70! I tried so hard though... o_O

2006-05-12 [gods2armys]: ahhhhhh wait now arent i loved at all :( if you love you wont forget about me ^_^

2006-05-13 [DeeJay™]: love the quiz [Wendy] anymore on the 'to-do' list? btw, i got 50!

2006-05-13 [gods2armys]: dude i suck i had a score of 50 on that *_*

2006-05-13 [zoloftzantac]: w00t! I got 10 points!

2006-05-13 [gods2armys]: LOL thats cool man your score sucks wrose then mine your betta then me :P

2006-05-13 [Wendy]: Funny stuff, eh? [zoloftzantac] would love to eat more chinchillas.

2006-05-15 [gods2armys]: i wanna try eating chinchilas even know their bad to eat LOL i bet they would spike up ur tast buds LOL ^_^

2006-05-16 [kittykittykitty]: pooor chillies -_-'

2006-05-16 [Amalaswinta]: YAY!!! 90 points :-D

2006-05-16 [gods2armys]: yes poor chin chilas i hope they all dont go exticnt ^_^

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: They are most wanted for their fur. They have the softest fur.

2006-05-16 [Amalaswinta]: but they're soooooooooo cute, I can't imagine being able to hurt, let alone kill one of 'm.... :-(

2006-05-16 [kittykittykitty]: I don't know how people can do that! They are too cute to hurt -_-'

2006-05-20 [zoloftzantac]: If you chew fast it really only hurts for a second :p

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: *pokes [zoloftzantac]* that's so cruel!

2006-05-20 [gods2armys]: WAY TO GO [zoloftzantac] i was to scared to say somthing like that at a moment like this LOL you got more balls then me man lol. oops i guess you all can read this right well crap then umm ill shut up b4 i get in more trouble wiv you all :S

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: You've not been commenting the past couple of days [gods2armys]... where have you been?

2006-05-20 [gods2armys]: i have been here just i their were somany places to coment on my box news thing i was going nuts cuzz i almost couldnt keep up cuzz my friends talk to much in the forums lol

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: In the forums? Private forums?

2006-05-20 [gods2armys]: um no i dont think so alot of them are known like heres this one me and a friend were working on called down w/ the zombie

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: Oh you mean wiki-building? Not forums ;)

2006-05-20 [gods2armys]: yea that lol man am i still an somewat idiot at EP well im still alot smarter then most here so thats a plus. cuzz i can do a lil bit of code working in here myself LOL

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: Well.. I know love the <huge> html, but it's more than some people know :P

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: But... you don't know !uQt yet? :P

2006-05-20 [zoloftzantac]: You can put a !uQt! inside a !uQt! to show a !uQt! also you cutie ;)

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: :P I tried, but it wouldn't let me :( I just keep getting <>, uQt! or nothing at all...

2006-05-20 [gods2armys]: wait wat the heck. did you just call me a cutie [zoloftzantac] and allso can you show me wat that does i have no idea:O

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: uh .. I was talking to kitty :p this code "!uQ!uQt!t!" gives !uQt!

2006-05-22 [gods2armys]: wat dowes that code even do anyways. i never heard of it being used b4

2006-05-22 [Big Brother]: !uQt! makes it so code in the < > show up as code and don't work like <b> or for the lesser known reason. when gif images like badges are shrunk by code it has a white border.....and for some messed up reason that code in the middle of the URL makes it transparent again.

2006-05-22 [Big Brother]: the funny part is i had to put !uQt! inside of itself to make it visible.....otherwise show the code not use it.

2006-05-22 [gods2armys]: ok all i can say is i almost know every code in here and im not going to get confused over this one so lets all just say i almost know it all ^_^ cuzz thats to weird for my brain ^_^

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: it's easy tho, if you want to show the center tag so people can see it, then you put a !uQt! in it like this <cen!uQt!ter> and then you get this <center> (normaly you cant see the center tag, it is invisable and it centers things, the one I just made is visable, and isn't centering anything)

2006-05-22 [Big Brother]: and for the image part, it goes like this... normal badge ---> <img:stuff/DGBadge2.gif> shrunk ----> <img100*0:stuff/DGBadge2.gif>

2006-05-22 [Big Brother]: see the white border? if you put !uQt! in the middle you get <img100*0:stuff/DGBadge2.gif> and using the code method i'll show you what i put. <img:stu!uQt!ff/DGBadge2.gif> you just put it in the middle of "stuff" for the wiki uploaded images

2006-05-22 [Big Brother]: and other code questions?

2006-05-22 [Sunrose]: Strange though that that badge has such a huge empty right side :s

2006-05-22 [Big Brother]: a few have things like that....i figured the artist did that as a wierd way to space the badges........

2006-05-22 [Sunrose]: Yea I noticed more have it before, but...they shouldn't have it.. :P

2006-05-22 [Big Brother]: well as long as it works i guess.

2006-05-23 [zoloftzantac]: Well, the template is set up that way ... so that is how I made mine too :p Badge Making 101

2006-05-23 [gods2armys]: omg sorry guys you are all making this to hard for my brain. i think im beginning to go nuts over this knowledge. ^_^

2006-05-23 [zoloftzantac]: [Big Brother] Yeah, that image one *is* weird

2006-05-23 [Big Brother]: ya but good to know.

2006-05-23 [gods2armys]: yea it is lol sois it a good thing that im not alone in learning how to do that :P

2006-05-23 [Big Brother]: not too many know about that code....

2006-05-23 [gods2armys]: well someday ill need to have you teach me if i plan to help out in EP ^_^

2006-05-23 [zoloftzantac]: uhh, I thought we just did teach you ...

2006-05-23 [Big Brother]: we did? i thought we were baking an apple pie!

2006-05-23 [Amalaswinta]: apple pie!!! *snatches pie and runs*

2006-05-23 [Wendy]: *steals the pie and takes notes*

2006-05-23 [kittykittykitty]: I didn't know about using !uQt! to stop those bordery things on resized images. It doesn't say that anywhere.... *steals an apple from the table and retreats to the corner to eat it*

2006-05-23 [Big Brother]: *continues making the very popular pies* nope...not put anywhere....i don't even think it is supposed to do just does.

2006-05-23 [gods2armys]: *Jumps on the pie table and does the wiki dance* *Steals another as well, takes off and makes a run for it* umm wel we need to work a lil wiki page to teach ppl like me how to do it like the book called. the morons guid to badge makeing>^_^

2006-05-23 [Big Brother]: i made one for elf12...and there are a few here....

2006-05-23 [gods2armys]: oh ok lol ill go look for them lattes thanks man

2006-05-24 [Amalaswinta]: badge making 101 explains it, you just need basic knowledge of Photoshop ;-)

2006-05-24 [gods2armys]: kk guys thanks alot im realy happy you are all helping me il lget to all this a a few but i know its weird to say this but im not holding any EP possitions but im as bussy almost as [zoloftzantac] doing my own work on here lol. so give me a few to catch back up to speed ok thanks alot guys ^_^

2006-07-06 [kittykittykitty]: "i can stop any uprising that some people higher in the chain are trying to create and make this place unfair to the rest of us" [*A Shattered Heart*] it's funny, but I never heard about the guards making EP an unfair place to be. They always seem to go about things so well o_O

2006-07-06 [zoloftzantac]: I think she is talking about [Hedda], if he starts another uprising I am going to ban him :p

2006-07-06 [kittykittykitty]: I'll be the first to report if I see any funny business from him :P

2006-07-08 [gods2armys]: hey wait a sec. thats true the other gaurds are like tha :S. ohno its like scary. hey is their anything i can [zoloftzantac]

2006-07-09 [zoloftzantac]: you can keep an eye on that [Hedda] guy so he doesn't try to take over :p

2006-07-09 [gods2armys]: ok but hey wat is he trying to do any way by taking over ???

2006-07-09 [Hedda]: I've created a lot more competitions than anyone else lately...

2006-07-09 [Tear]: ? This confuses me.

2006-07-10 [gods2armys]: so why would that matter anyways [Hedda] i dont get it at all not one bit. why would that help you take over ????

2006-07-10 [zoloftzantac]: hahah, look! [Hedda] is taking over the contests and now he is taking over this wiki also! :p

2006-07-10 [gods2armys]: damnit know we gots to fix it. im taking control of this place ha ha ha :P

2006-07-10 [*A Shattered Heart*]: power hungery!

2006-07-11 [gods2armys]: ohyes deffanantly shit cant spell dangit. :P

2006-07-11 [Tear]: *now**hungry***definately.

2006-07-12 [*A Shattered Heart*]: hmmmmmmmmm....oh well

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: hmm i was wondering if anyone here can tell me wat posstions are even needed now. hey [zoloftzantac] wat offices in EP are their that need taken as in i mean are their jobs available so far or are we not taking any more applications yet ????

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: well, there are always needs for Guards since they never seem to be online when one is needed or required

2006-07-12 [Tear]: HAHAHAHAHA! I lol'd at that as well. I love it when you are angsty and bitter.

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: that is true but you are sorta right and sorta wrong cuzz well the best gaurd in here is [zoloftzantac] hes always working realy hard here in EP everyday

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: therefore me need more "good guards" so Zoloft wont be the best we have

2006-07-12 [Tear]: HAHAHA, I find this all very amusing. Sarah, methinks I might be with you on this one as well.

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: yea your right damn i do wanna be a gaurd cuz big man Z can back me up. hey [zoloftzantac] am i on here almost always :P

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: being online all the time doesn't help you much...ypu have to give the crew all blowjobs to get a badge nowadays it seems

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: *refrains from shooting for open goal*

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: *punts Ringbearer in the naked balls*

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: your kicks cannot harm me, I have balls of STEEL! :P

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: um hey you two lol well thats sorta true but if you make gud friends to some of them you do favors they do favors and allso they can help you out wiv talking to others on how well you are by spreading the word LOL

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: i think my kicks being cyber kicks would be the greater contributing factor to them not harming you than you preoccupation with this idea that you have some form of metal hanging between your thighs rather than flesh and sex organs.

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: I think you should use a dictionary of proverbs more often.

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: meaning what exactly?

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: You know, use those 2 brain cells to find out its a proverb saying I couldnt care less about your "insults"

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: oh quit you two stop argueing and fighting :@

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: whoa, when the fuck did this become some sort of fight between you and me RB? fuck you you jackass, i do not need to put up with this. your message and insult was SO uncalled for!

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Chill you two. Let's all be hippies and peace love and happiness now, kthxbai

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: *sits on tear's lap and pouts*

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: *didnt lose temper, wins on technical KO*

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: omfg you two should make wiki callled the two of us :P

2006-07-12 [Tear]: *rubs Sarah's back* Relax. Life is good, don't let the assholes spoil it for you.

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: no joke i would read it

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: *eye twitches* someone thinks they won just because i was the bigger person and backed down first to avoid a fight i did not realize i was even a part of? wow, what a cock-sucker

2006-07-12 [Tear]: The fairly odd not-so-couple@ wiki? lol. And y'all are seriously egging eachother on with this.

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: *bows down* thank you for the complment, RD

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: get a paper-cut ringbearer.

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: kick who in their hairy balls ???

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: *points to the other wiki* been there, done that

2006-07-12 [Tear]: What time is it for you guys anyway? It is way too friggin early for me, and sleep is beckoning, but I feel cracked out or something.

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: it is 6:17 for RD...been up all night with my sick kitty

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: 12:18 midday

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Aww, you are in my time zone, RD. Dude, where in Europe are you?

2006-07-12 [Ringbearer]: Netherlands

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: umm here in the US OF A in oregon LOl its 3:21 AM ^_^

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: East Coast time is the best time zone, right tear?

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Hells yeah, reppin' dat east coast stuff, fo-sheezy.... I mean.. ummm.. yeah.

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: Snoop and his talk is from West Cost, dog!

2006-07-12 [gods2armys]: hell no the pacific coast is the best time zone cuzzz you know why ???

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: Chicken Thigh?

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Holla back, Chillen out here in that m i a m i where the city never sleeps, and money is a major issue.

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: i never sleep...*picks at toenails*

2006-07-12 [zoloftzantac]: *has a fantasy involving RD playing with her feet*

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Oh dear, that was just weird.

2006-07-12 [zoloftzantac]: not really that weird at all for me tho ...

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: i have a picture of my nasty feet...

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Ewwwww......

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: i know...i wanted to see if they really were as beat up as i thought...they are

2006-07-12 [zoloftzantac]: what's this? you have some foot shots?

2006-07-12 [Tear]: That reminds me of when I used to walk through the dance rooms at my old school. Dancers feet are the ugliest thing ever.

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: yup...just a picture of my feet, all beat up and naked

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Oh my.

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: i looked up good....i like deffinition 5b- Discriminating.. :P

2006-07-12 [Tear]: Good means discriminating?

2006-07-12 [RabidSphinx]: Discriminating: good taste.

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